Pop art Entertainment art remote app: the easiest way to understand How to set up your entertainment arts’ display is to take a look at that video.
Digital art entertainment

Pop Art Entertainment art remote application is crazy!!!
That video is an home made video. Means everybody is playing with Michael Jordan’s pop art portrait in the same living room.
But things work the same even if you are not all in the same location. Or if you are part of a huge event with screens and displays.
You can play with pop-art.fun during many purposes, it would always be the same about our very cool technicals features all set for you.

Pop art entertainment arts auto-refresh gallery
In every case, you drop your creation into a safe-deposit box we call a global gallery. As soon as you click on add to gallery’s button, your file goes on. So it instantanlly appears on screen or display.
Each pop art portrait dropped, shows up on air.
This makes this art entertainment very exciting for people watching or participating.
You can image everybody playing during the same event. Or you can even invite people remotely to complete the game and the global display. You gallery can stay for a while.

How to set up your own digital exhibit or display
Pop-art.fun is hold in the internet. You are able to reach you tool and show the gallery on every devices you use to work in it:
- Computer
- Tablet
- Smartphone
And you can display your personal or global gallery through every kind of screen you connect to those electronic devices. It can be:
- TV screen
- Computer monitor
- Even directly through you smartphone or tablet screen
- Travel monitor
- Giant public screee
- Sport court screens…

So you understand seizes and situation are a lot different.
IF you want to share your gallery with a tablet’s screen during a corporate meeting. Or in case of a break entertainment during a basketball or sport’s game… You are talking about two different worlds. One includes people in a small area watching a small screen. The other concerns a very huge display.
So you can decide at anytime, how many portrait you want to show per a row. Less you set up portraits per a row, bigger they are. And more you want to show drawing in the same time, and more you have to devise each row.
This is the best way to move into your entertainment. You display one or two large full size portraits at the very beginning. And more you have drawing arriving into the gallery, and more you have to small down the picture size to let fit the most possible in the same display.
So it’s up to you to set up a 1 or portraits per a row, until a 10, 15, 20… and more portraits per a row. Regarding how large it is and if people are close or far away located.

Long display vs High display?

Numeric entertainment art in a long display
Historically, computer, Tv, theater, cinema’s… screen are longer than high.
If you are or will be using one of that types, you can display at least 3 to 12 portraits in a same row.
It with automatically set up 5 to 10 rows. So you would be able to show up about 15 to more than 100 drawings in the same time in a global gallery.

Virtual entertainment art into high display
Since socials and smartphones, things are changing. More an more people follow the world through that device.
It is possible to set up your gallery in purpose.
The Instagram model
Instagram set up the 3 square pictures per a row as a regular or world wide base.
It looks like pretty familiar and confortable to reach a display that looks like instagram design. So it could make a lot of sens to set up your corporate or personal display that way.
But you also can decide to go for an even more personal way.
Your personal entertainment art show.
Even if Instagram is a must, there is no reason you can not do something by your own.
Pop-art.fun gallery can display 1 or 2 pictures per a row. It’s completely up to you.
And most important: you can change your mind at anytime during your event or campaign.
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